SAYPA oo Ardayda reer Boston kala hadashay mustaqbalkooda

SAYPA ayaa xafladii bilaha ahayd ee ay u qaban jirtay Dhalinta soo korasa iyo waalidiintood si ay uga wada hadlaan hadba xaalada ka taagan magaalada Boston ayaa bishan waxaa lagu falanqeeyay ama lagu dhiiro galiyay hamiga dhalinta soo korasa iyada oo lagala hadlay sidii ay uaga jibo keeni lahaayeen waxbarashadooda.

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Donate here for bushing inner city children to achieve higher GPA in Public Schools


SAYPA’s monthly meeting is about how the immigrant youth needs leadership & mentor-ship; mainly, they need guidance about challenges facing immigrants in Massachusetts and their ability to engage and integrate into the society effectively.

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SAYPA’s monthly meeting was held July 28, 2017 at Hibernian Hall

Somali American Youth Parents Association is a nonprofit organization that puts together events once a month for the Somali Community who live in the state of Massachusetts.

SAYPA’s monthly meeting is about how the Somali immigrant youth needs leadership & mentorship; particularly they need guidance about challenges facing immigrants, Somali youth in Boston and their ability to effectively engage and integrate into the Boston society.


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Waxaa soo Gabogaboobay Kulan Xafladeedkii SAYPA bishan May 2017 Maxaa dhacay?Habka loo Doono Gabdhaha iyo Habka Laysku Siiyo.

Malinnimadii Axada ee bishu ku beegnayd 05-07-2017 ayaa waxaa la qabtay kulankii Jaaliyada ay u qabanqaabiyaan Gudida Walidiinta iyo Dhalinta soo korasa ee magaalada Boston SAYPA.

Kulankan oo lagu soo bandhigay Hidaha iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxa uu xabaarsanaa habka dadka Soomaalidu u kala doontaan Gabdhaha iyo habka laysku siiyo taasoo ay jileen ruwaayad ay dhalintu ku matalayeen arintaa.

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SAYPA held its monthly meeting Sunday March 05, 2017 in Hibernian Hall at Dudley St Roxbury MA

Somali American Youth Parents Association (SAYPA) is a place where the Somali community can come to mingle ones a month also exchange ideas about life in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. Get community-targeted scholarship information for the youth, provide a forum for the community to help straggling family financially or readjusting changing life in America.

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Demograthics Of African immigrant population in U.S.

African immigrants make up a small share of the nation’s immigrant population, but their overall numbers are growing – roughly doubling every decade since 1970, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.

There were 2.1 million African immigrants living in the United States in 2015, up from 881,000 in 2000 and a substantial increase from 1970 when the U.S. was home to only 80,000 foreign-born Africans. They accounted for 4.8% of the U.S. immigrant population in 2015, up from 0.8% in 1970.

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