JBC, with the help of SAYPA, selected 15 players to develop their basketball skills this summer 2024. These two teams will train for two weeks and then compete against the neighboring teams IA.
JBC, with the help of SAYPA, selected 15 players to develop their basketball skills this summer 2024. These two teams will train for two weeks and then compete against the neighboring teams IA.
A well-organized event that concluded SAYPA’s summer program for Somali students in Boston, Massachusets, United States of America, was held JJ Park on August 13, 2023.
The program was put together by the SAYPA organization, which organizes a work project every year for the youth of Boston to learn about the history and culture of their fathers and mothers.
Somali Culture Day in Boston presented by SAYPA, August 13, 2023
SAYPA’s Tutoring is geared towards helping elementary and middle school students in the core subjects of reading, math, science, spelling, social studies, and language arts.
SAYPA ayaa xafladii bilaha ahayd ee ay u qaban jirtay Dhalinta soo korasa iyo waalidiintood si ay uga wada hadlaan hadba xaalada ka taagan magaalada Boston ayaa bishan waxaa lagu falanqeeyay ama lagu dhiiro galiyay hamiga dhalinta soo korasa iyada oo lagala hadlay sidii ay uaga jibo keeni lahaayeen waxbarashadooda.
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